There’s nothing more upsetting than waking up with a big black spot on your face, especially when you have an important occasion to attend. Thanks to the power of concealers, you can still attend that event with your face held up.
The concealer is a very important part of the makeup base and it is designed for a variety of skin colours and shades. It comes in three forms; Liquid, Cream and Solid. Sticks are most popular as they are easy to apply.

The concealer hides blemishes and gives the skin a smooth look. It also hides under eye wrinkles. It is applied before the foundation.
Concealers have a dense composition than foundation and are thicker than foundation. Use a darker shade of concealer in hot weather, as the skin gets baked and tanned during this season.
Also note that concealers are to be applied in small quantities.
After cleansing your face with facial wipes, apply under eye cream over the under eye area and moisturizer over the rest of the face, let them get absorbed into the skin properly. This prevents the concealer from drying and setting on wrinkles and on the fine lines around the eye. Put a spot of concealer over uneven spots on the face; including the chin, and around the nose and mouth, if need be. Use the pad of your index or middle finger to tap it in. Blend the concealer softly. Do not rub or pull the area, but tap it into the skin till it blends then smile in front of the mirror to see that it does not get into the fine lines around the eyes. Blot extra concealers with tissue paper. Blend concealer finely with translucent powder to prevent crack and crease.
If the concealer has been applied to only affected areas, that is, areas where there are blemishes, scars, pimples and acne, a foundation can be applied to the whole face to blend it further. Apply loose powder over your face to set the concealer in place.
There are more steps to having that flawless look you crave for. Stick with me as we examine more steps to a beautiful you!